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Today's Metal Prices

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Rs./Kg (Mumbai Local Prices)
Copper ArmatureClosed718713710
Copper cathod LME ++Closed806806800
CC Rod LME ++Closed823820818
Copper Cable scrapClosed746744739
Copper shell 40mmClosed768763760
Electrolytic Copper strip 25mmClosed768763760
ACR Copper Coil 3/8Closed828823820
Brass Sheet scrapClosed527527520
Brass Honey scrapClosed485485497
Brass Shell 40mmClosed613609603
Aluminium IngotClosed229229229
Aluminium utensil scrapClosed168168168
Zinc SlabClosed300298290
Lead ingotClosed198200198
Tin SlabClosed242524382388
Nickel CathodClosed240024252413
Currency Rate
US $Closed81.3281.3281.46
Euro €Closed87.9887.8987.95
UK £Closed1.241.231.23
[visualizer id="551" lazy="no" class=""]
Copper Armature774781784790
Copper Cathod838850859874
CC Rod833844851868
Copper Cable scrap791800803812
Brass Sheet Scrap568570572573
Brass Honey Scrap520520523525
Aluminium Ingot255258261262
Aluminium utensil198198198198
Zinc Ingot265269269272
Lead ingot180181181181
Tin Ingot2655268027102755
Nickel Cathod1353136513571387
US $87.6587.4587.8587.95
Euro €89.8090.3490.8590.97
UK GBP £108.10108.67109.20108.93

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